Lead Service Line Inventory

Public Water Supply District #8 would like to "Thank you" in advance for voluntarily participating in the Lead Service Line Inventory (LSLI). We mailed letters and form(s) to all the homes and businesss in our district. All customers in our district should of received a letter and a form from us.

PWSD#8 is working on identifying the materials on our side (water system-owned). We would appreciate your help in the identification of your water lines and returning the form(s) with any pictures as soon as possible. PWSD#8 will report the collected information to Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MoDNR). MoDNR will require the identification of the customer side (customer-owned), so they can report to the EPA. 

The identification of water lines is part of the EPA's regulation to reduce lead in drinking water. We have provided on your forms QR codes for more information on the EPA regulation. Also on the form is helpful QR codes for identifing the material composition of your service line and interior piping. We also have provided 3 ways to return your identification form and pictures: a P.O. Box, an email, or by texting. If you need anymore information, please call the office at 636-274-3125.

Provided below is a printable copy of the letter and form, plus a publication from MoDNR to help identify water service line materials.

Thank you,

Public Water Supply District #8

P.O. Box 170, Cedar Hill, MO 63016  -  [email protected]  -  636-262-9129 (for texting)

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